Hole In the Wall - Austin TX
Come join us at the legendary Austin venue Hole In the Wall.
Come join us at the legendary Austin venue Hole In the Wall.
We’ll be part on an afternoon of live music to help feed our neighbors. Bring your wallet and/or a can of non perishable food. At the NeWorlDeli.
We’ll be part of a daylong lineup of live music to help feed our neighbors. Bring your wallet and/or a can of non perishable food for the local food bank. At Kojak’s in Houston.
An intimate afternoon of music in a listening environment. Suggested donation $20. 10202 Wommack, 78748.
Come on out to Crowe’s Nest Farm for some family fun.
An intimate afternoon of music at The Writing Barn. Doors open at 4, music begins at 4:30 pm. Suggested donation of $15-20. 10202 Wommack Rd, 78748
We’ll be opening for Danny Schmidt. Austin Acoustical Cafe is a wonderful concert series - we can’t wait!
In concert at Salida’s premier listening room - A Church. $20 Cover.
We’ll be the musical guest at the 9 and 11 am Sunday Services. First UU Church of Albuquerque
Looking forward to playing at Box Canyon Brewing Company in Socorro.
An intimate evening of music in a Galveston home. To reserve your seat, contact pjgalveston@gmail.com.
We’ll be featured in Jan Seides Any Sunday Songwriters Series at Kickbutt Coffee.
We’ll be the musical guest at the Sunday Service at Unity Of New Braunfels.
The Moveable Fest will feature a bunch of great musicians, and all proceeds will go to the local food bank. We’ll play from 6:30 - 7 pm.